1 这个世界上的某些人,可能天生注定就要生活在种种非议与责难中,即便最终走进墓穴,其墓志铭上也要注明“MISUNDERSTAND”(误解)这个令人痛彻心扉的词汇。是不是很像又一个 A.I?看起来天堂之门并不是甘愿向每个人都敞开着的。当托尼·帕克开始在世界这个大舞台上尽情自我展现时,可悲的是,我们一度对他一无所知,而帕克华丽的生命曲线却一如既往地灿烂着。托尼·帕克一直保留着一本有着红色封面的成长记录册,上面记有他职业生涯中最为详尽的数据统计、照片和报道。因为他很清楚:篮球,是他无法逃避的宿命。在浏览这本记录册
1 Some people in this world may be born destined to live in all kinds of criticisms and censures. Even if they eventually walk into a tomb, their epitaphs must also state “MISUNDERSTAND” Vocabulary Does it look and feel like another A.It seems that the door to Heaven is not willing to be open to everyone. Sadly, when Tony Parker began to show himself on this big stage of the world, we knew nothing of him at once, and Parker’s magnificent life curve was as brilliant as ever. Tony Parker has maintained a growth book with a red cover bearing the most detailed statistics, photos and stories of his career. Because he is very clear: basketball, he can not escape the fate. Browse this book