☆简介☆图们市位于吉林街东部图们江下游,东经129度39分至130度46分、北纬42度46分至43度43分之间,是吉林省最大的边境口岸城市。现辖四镇(石岘、长安、凉水、月晴)、一乡(红光)和三个街道办事处(新华、向上、月官)。全市总面积1142.3平方公里,总人口13.6万人。有朝鲜族、汉族、满族、回族、蒙古族等10多个民族,其中朝鲜族7.8万人, 占总人口的57.3%,汉族5.6万人,占总人口的41.2%, 是一个以朝鲜族为主的多民族聚居地。
☆ Introduction ☆ Tumen City is located in the lower reaches of the Tumen River in the east of Jilin Street. It is the largest border crossing city in Jilin Province from 129 degrees 39 minutes to 130 degrees 46 minutes longitude and 42 degrees 46 minutes to 43 degrees 43 minutes north latitude. It has jurisdiction over four towns (Shixian, Chang’an, Liangshui, Yueqing), Yixiang (Hongguang) and three sub-district offices (Xinhua, Shangguan, Yueguan). The total area of 1142.3 square kilometers, the total population of 136000 people. There are more than 10 ethnic groups, including Korean, Han, Manchu, Hui and Mongolian ethnic groups, of which 78,000 are Korean, 57.3% of the total population, and 56,000 are Han nationals, accounting for 41.2% of the total population. Lord’s multiethnic settlement.