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有这样一个寓言故事:北风与南风打赌,看谁的力量更强大,他们决定比谁能把行人的大衣脱掉。北风无论怎样猛烈,行人只是将衣服越裹越紧;而南风只是轻轻拂动,人们就热得敞开大衣。读了这个故事感慨颇多,不禁让我想起了一些家长教育孩子的方式。我有一个朋友,其孩子迷恋上网,一次偶然的机会被他发现后,他狠狠地揍了孩子一顿,并严厉地警告孩子如若再犯绝不轻饶。当时孩子吓得连连点头认错,说以后再也不敢了。然而事后不久,我的朋友又被孩子的班主任老师告知,孩子逃课去了网吧上网。我的朋友听后怒火中烧,气不打一处来。以前孩子只是利用周末的时间偷偷上网,现在演变成上课期间也去上网。朋友将孩子从网吧里拎了出来,回到家后又是一顿毒打,还把孩子锁在家中,不让他出去。谁知等朋友下班回来,发现孩子竟打碎了窗玻璃,逃了出去,而且又去了网 There is such a fable story: the north wind and the south wind bet, to see who the power is stronger, they decided to take off than the pedestrian’s coat. No matter how violent northerly, pedestrians just wrapped the more tight clothes; and the south wind is gently flick, people are hot to open the coat. Having read this story a lot of emotion, can not help but remind me of some parents to educate their children. I have a friend, whose children are infatuated with the Internet. After a fortuitous opportunity was discovered by him, he severely beat his children and warned the children severely if they were to commit further crimes. At that time, children scared repeatedly nodded their mistakes, saying that no longer dared. However, shortly afterwards, my friend was told by the class teacher that the children skipped classes and went to the internet café. After my friend heard my friend burst into anger, the gas did not hit one. Before the children just use the weekend time secretly surf the Internet, now evolved into the class also go online. Friends carry their children out of the cafe and come back home after a beating, but also the child locked in the home, let him go out. Surprisingly, friends and other workers came back from work and found that the children had broken the window glass, escaped, and went to the network
肺性脑病是各种慢性胸肺疾病严重并发症,其中以慢阻肺电常见。治疗困难,死亡率高。现将我院86年11月~91年12月收治12例肺脑病人诊疗情况分析如下: 临床资料 一般资料,本组12