为什么同为人类,人们会有众多不同。我们有不同的肤色,我们有不同的传统习俗,我们有不同的行为方式,我们有不同的理念和道德准则……“谁似白霓裳,别样清幽,”不同这么多,我们才有五彩斑斓的世界,就如今季众多品牌在呈现新趋势、新变革的同时也纷纷亮出了自己的绝招,让人感觉到百花齐放的韵律。服饰品牌拉夏贝尔宣布集团正式启动旗下La Chapelle品牌升级计划,以全新商标设计、产品设计和装修风格深入诠释“优雅、经典和浪漫”。
There are many differences between people and people. We have different skin colors, we have different traditions and customs, we have different ways of behaving, we have different ideas and ethical principles ... “Who is like a white dress, a different kind of quiet, ” Colorful world, as many brands this season, showing new trends, new changes have also shown their own unique skills, people feel the rhythm of flourishing. Apparel brand La Chapel announced the group officially launched its La Chapelle brand upgrade program, with new brand design, product design and decoration style in-depth interpretation of “elegant, classic and romantic.”