●西部大开发既不能脱离现实的基础 ,也不能脱离现有的国情 ,必须选择一条符合西部实际的发展道路。●目前是西部开发最恰当、最成熟的时机 ,国家正在制定西部大开发的优惠政策 ,各地方政府要充分利用好国家制定的政策 ,应避免出现西部各省区间自定优惠政策大攀比现象。●西部
● The large-scale development of the western region can neither deviate from the reality nor can it be separated from the existing national conditions and must choose a development road that is in keeping with the actual conditions in western China. ● At present, the most appropriate and mature time for the development of the western region is at present. The state is formulating the preferential policies for the development of the western region. All local governments should make full use of the policies formulated by the state and should avoid the phenomenon of large-scale preferential policies for the provinces in western regions. ● West