(1)济南地区所見头癣以黄癣为多,其病原菌以蒙古型黄癣菌为多(占56.36%),許兰氏黄癣菌較少(占43.64%)。济南市郊则以白癬較多,其病原菌为铁锈色小芽胞菌。 (2)头癣的治疗,目前在广大农村中尚宜采用拔发及外用药为主的治疗方法,有条件的地区可以采、用內服醋酸鉈或照射X线脫发,然后涂外用药。在治疗中必須充分发揮患者本人及其家属的主观能动性。坚定必然治愈的决心和信心,而細心、耐心地逐步治疗,才能达到彻底根治的要求。
(1) Tinea capitis found in Jinan is more than that of yellow ringworm, and the pathogens are mostly Phytophthora in Mongolia (56.36%), and there is less licorice (accounting for 43.64%). Jinan suburbs are more white ringworm, the pathogen is a small bronchiseptica. (2) the treatment of tinea capitis, at present in the vast rural areas is still appropriate to use pull therapies and external medicine-based treatment methods, conditional areas can be taken, with oral administration of thallium acetate or radiation X-ray hair loss, and then coated with drugs. In the treatment of patients and their families must give full play to the subjective initiative. Determined to cure the determination and confidence, and careful and patiently progressive treatment, in order to achieve radical cure.