自 194 8年日本的新制高中建立以来 ,其普通教育课程经过 194 7年的新设和 195 1年以后的七次改革。经过分析我们发现 ,日本的普通高中课程有以下特点 :在结构上 ,以学科课程为主 ,以活动课程为辅 ,国家课程与校本课程共存 ,它们共同构成一个完整的课程体系 ;在管理上 ,形成了三级课程行政管理会体制 ,基本采用学年制加学分制模式 ,用学年制来认定学习效果 ,用学分制来衡量学习量 ;在实施上 ,强调学校和教师的主体作用。二战结束以来的 5 0多年间 ,日本的高中教育在改革中求发展 ,为日本社会的进步做出了重要贡献。课程改革是高中教育改革中的一个主要组成部分 ,其中既有经验又有教训 ,值得我们作深入的思考。本文在回顾日本高中教育改革与发展的历程 ,分析其高中的目的、目标、性质、地位、结构和任务的基础上 ,着重探讨日本普通高中课程改革的情况 ,特别是对最近的第七次改革作全面的综合性分析研究 ,以期对我国普通高中的课程改革有所启迪
Since the establishment of the new high school in Japan in 1928, its general education course has undergone 194 years of new establishment and seven reforms after 1919. After analysis, we find that the general senior high school curriculum in Japan has the following characteristics: in terms of structure, mainly subject courses and activity courses, the coexistence of national and school-based curricula together forms a complete curriculum system; in management, The three-level system of administrative management has been formed. The basic system of the academic year plus the credit system is to recognize the learning effect by the academic year system and to measure the amount of learning with the credit system. In practice, the main role of schools and teachers is emphasized. Over the 50 years since the end of World War II, Japan’s high school education has made great strides in the reform and made important contributions to the progress of Japanese society. Curriculum reform is a major component of high school education reform. There are both experiences and lessons in it, and it deserves our deep consideration. On the basis of reviewing the history of high school education reform and development in Japan and analyzing the purpose, objectives, nature, status, structure and tasks of its high school, this paper focuses on the curriculum reform in ordinary high schools in Japan, especially for the recent seventh reform For a comprehensive and comprehensive analysis of research, with a view to our country’s ordinary high school curriculum reform have some inspiration