Normal Reference Value of Red Blood Cell Count of Chinese Presenile Men and Geographical Factors

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wslin001
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This paper aims at providing a scientific basis for unifying the normal reference value standards of red blood cell count of Chinese presenile men. The paper, using microscopical counting method, studies the relationship between the normal reference values of 38,061 samples of red blood cell count of presenile men and eight geographical factors in 297 units in China. It is found that the correlation of geographical factors and the normal reference value of red blood cell count of presenile men is quite significant (F=303.00, P=0.000). By using the method of stepwise regression analysis, one regression equation is inferred. It is concluded that if geographical data are obtained in a certain area, the normal reference value of red blood cell count of presenile men in this area can be reckoned by using the regression analysis. Furthermore, according to the geographical factors, China can be divided into eight regions: Northeast China Region, North China Region, Shanxi-Shaanxi-Inner Mongolia Region, Middle and Lower Reaches of the Changjiang River Region, Southeast China Region, Northwest China Region, Southwest China Region and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Region. This paper aims at providing a scientific basis for unifying the normal reference value standards of red blood cell count of Chinese presenile men. The paper, using microscopical counting method, studies the relationship between the normal reference values ​​of 38,061 samples of red blood cell count of presenile men and eight geographical factors in 297 units in China. It is found that the correlation of geographical factors and the normal reference value of red blood cell count of presenile men is quite significant (F = 303.00, P = 0.000). By using the method of stepwise regression analysis, one regression equation is inferred. It is that that geographical data are obtained in a certain area, the normal reference value of red blood cell count of presenile men in this area can be reckoned by using the regression analysis. Further, according to the geographical factors, China can be divided into eight regions: Northeast China Region, North China Region, Shanxi-Shaanxi-Inner Mongol ia Region, Middle and Lower Reaches of the Changjiang River Region, Southeast China Region, Northwest China Region, Southwest China Region and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Region.
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