脑表面出血形成硬膜下血肿比较少见,我院收治一例,经超早期手术清除血肿及综合治疗半年余病情稳定,现报告如下: 患者初某,男、55岁,原有高血压病史,于1984年6月2日5时15分去厕所大便后欲倒,当时意识清,自述头痛剧烈,恶心无呕吐,5时23分被他人送门诊急诊室检查:意识不清,左侧瞳孔散大(5mm)右侧瞳孔2.5mm,血压200/140mmHg,经降压、脱水、气管切开,病人仍呈深昏迷状态,5时30分两侧瞳孔基本等大,血压184/166mmHg,耳鼻无脑脊液漏,预软,心肺无特殊发现,腰部正常,四肢肌张力高,生理反射存在,右霍夫曼氏征
The formation of subdural hematoma on the surface of the brain is relatively rare, admitted to our hospital a case of ultra-early surgical removal of hematoma and more than six months after the comprehensive treatment of stable disease, are as follows: Early patients, male, 55 years old, the original history of hypertension, At 5:15 on June 2, 1984, he went to the toilet stool and tried to turn it down. At that time, he had a clear sense of readiness to report severe headache and nausea and vomiting. He was sent to the emergency room at 5:23 to check: Unconsciousness, left mydriasis (5mm) on the right pupil 2.5mm, blood pressure 200 / 140mmHg, the hypotensive, dehydration, tracheotomy, the patient was still a deep coma state, at 5:30 on both sides of the pupil basically equal, blood pressure 184 / 166mmHg, Leak, pre-soft, no special cardiopulmonary findings, normal waist, limb muscle tension, the presence of physiological reflex, the right Huffman’s sign