When discussing the origin of art, Zhu Guangqian’s practical aesthetics only has multiple values to human practice because it only shows the close relationship between man’s mastery of art and practice spirit. The dimension of the human body has been overstated, and the distinction between the two kinds of mastery of alienation can not be so-called beauty or aesthetically pleasing, nor can it be overly sketchy. Behind this negligence and sketchyness are the categories of Marxist practice understood by Zhu Guangqian’s practice theory, which are rooted in “freedom,” to a large extent deviate from the Marxist realm of practice that objectifies activities. The construction of real practical aesthetics still needs to recall the “free kingdom” of Marx because only in the place where “the inevitable kingdom” is on the other side can we find the “beauty” with “practical” connotation or the “beautiful” Connotation of “practice” to be a turning point.