中国铁道学会铁道车辆委员会于 2 0 0 1年 11月 2 4日— 2 6日 ,在青岛举行了城市轨道车辆学术研讨会。研讨会得到了相关单位的积极响应和广大专家、学者、科技工作者的积极参与。会前由《铁道车辆》编辑部编辑出版了 2 0 0 0年《铁道车辆》增刊——城市轨道车辆学术研讨会专辑
China Railway Society Railway Vehicles Commission held a seminar on urban rail vehicles in Qingdao on November 2-4, 2001. The symposium got the positive response from relevant units and the active participation of a large number of experts, scholars and scientists. Before the meeting, edited by the Editorial Department of “Railway Vehicles” edited and published the “Railway Vehicles” Supplement 2000 - Urban Rail Vehicles Symposium