同志们: 今天,来自全国各地的专家、学者欢聚一堂,在这里举行“卓炯商品经济理论研讨会”。我代表广东省人民政府对这个有意义的学术活动表示大力的支持和热烈的祝贺,向来自全国地专家、学者表示热烈的欢迎!向出席会议的全体代表致以亲切的问候!向广东省社会科学院研究员特等劳动模范卓炯同志,及其他为社会主义建设作出贡献的经济学家们表示祝贺!欢迎专家们对广东工作提出改进的意见,使我们能跟上全国人民的前进步伐。
Comrades: Today, experts and scholars from all over the country come together to hold “Zhuo Jiong Theory Seminar on Commodity Economy” here. On behalf of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government, I would like to express my strong support and warm congratulations on this meaningful academic event and extend a warm welcome to experts and scholars from all over the country. I would like to extend my cordial greetings to all the representatives present at the meeting. We are grateful to all the economists who made contributions to the socialist construction. We welcome the suggestions made by experts to improve Guangdong’s work so that we can keep up with the progress of the people throughout the country.