A Prototype—Theoretical Approach to Domestication and Foreignization

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  【Abstract】Since the 1980s, Prototype Theory has been introduced into translation studies by some translation scholars. This paper discusses the translation of Moment in Peking with the help of Prototype Theory.
  【Key words】Prototype Theory; Domestication and foreignization; Best exemplar
  Moment in Peking is written in English by Lin Yutang which catches many people’s attention no matter in China or aboard. Since this novel published, it is back-translation into Chinese by many translators included Zhang Zhenyu and Yu Fei. Zhang and Yu both adopted strategies of foreignization and domestication during their translating process. Domestication puts an emphasis on the indigenous language to carry out the translating activities, and foreignization remains the source text’s cultures and backgrounds. Translation is an activity of reconstructing the best exemplar of the source language through the exemplars of the target language, with prototypes as the ultimate reference. The best exemplar of the source language should be equivalent to the best exemplar of the target language to the largest degree.
  Example 1: Lin: A baby emperor, three years old
  Zhang Zhenyu’s Version: 宣统三岁登基
  Yu’s Version: 年方三岁的冲龄皇帝
  “Emperor” is the title of paramount leader in Imperial China. In this sentence, “a baby emperor” refers to last emperor in Chinese history. He was supported to be the puppet Emperor in Anti-Japanese War whose reign-title was Xuantong (宣统). According to this cultural background, Zhang translates “a baby emperor” into “宣统” rather than “小皇帝” as the statement of the original text. Zhang adopts the strategy of domestication to translate this phrase. With the help of Chinese background, readers can have a better understanding of this sentence. While, Yu translates “a baby emperor” into “冲龄皇帝”. “冲龄” means the enthronement of emperor in his childhood. He adopts the translation strategy of foreignization. By adopting this strategy, he makes his version faithful to the original version. Recently, few of Chinese know the exact meaning of “冲龄”, so “宣统” is a better version of a baby emperor. Therefore, Zhang’s version can be taken as the best exemplar of the prototype.
  Example 2: Lin: I would like to be the little ferryman in The Three Kingdoms
  Zhang’s Version: 我愿给他做个渡船夫
  Yu’s Version: 我愿意做《三国演义》里那个艄公
  Chuko Liang is a brilliant politician and militarist in the Three Kingdom Period. In Chinese eyes, he is the representative figure of loyal minister and wise man. In this cultural context, Atung compared Chiang to Chuko Liang while himself to the ferryman in order to show his respect and submission to Chiang. However, Zhang does not translate this information of The Three Kingdoms but omits it. As for this sentence, he uses the strategy of domestication. Yu adopts the strategy of foreignization to make this sentence faithful to the original context. And Yu’s version contains the necessary information of this sentence. He translates Chuko Liang, the classical character and The Three Kingdoms, Chinese famous masterpiece faithfully without any omission in order to make his expression be most close to the original text. Nevertheless, different from Yu, Zhang omits the important information of the original text. But not every Chinese reader is familiar with the information of The Three Kingdoms, so Yu’s version is better and approaching to the prototype.
  Both Zhang Zhenyu’s version Jinghua Yanyun and Yu Fei’s version Shunxi Jinghua are significant in the area of Chinese translation. Nevertheless, there are also some differences between Zhang’s version and Yu’s version in choice of translation strategies to translate cultural-related words and phrases. Zhang mostly uses the strategy of foreignization which makes his version convey the accurate message of the source text. Yu uses strategy of domestication much more which can eliminate the strangeness and foreignness of the source text. People cannot distinguish which strategy is much better because they are complementary to each other. Both domestication and foreignization can help the translator to find the best exemplar during translation process.
  [1]Lin Yutang.Moment in Peking[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1999.
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【摘要】陶行知先生在多年前提出了“即知即传人”理论,构建了“小先生制”教学方式,其教育作用和积极影响一直到现在也颇深,有效提升学生学习的自觉性。将此教学方式应用到英语教学中则可以提高教学质量,让学生受益终身。  【关键词】陶行知 小先生制 小学英语教学  陶行知先生终身致力于教育事业的研究,在教育领域提出了多种极具影响的教学方法和理论。“小先生制”便是陶行知先生所提出的教学方法之一,并得到了教育界
在加拿大读书的这几年,我碰到了不少新鲜事。那天,我正在图书馆里看书,手机忽然响了起来,是银行的工作人员打来的。   对方问:“你的信用卡今天消费了600元吗?”我说:“没有啊!”“那你看看信用卡还在不在。”我赶紧从书包里找出钱包。天啊,信用卡果然不在了!对方说:“不要紧,保险公司会赔给你。”在挂断电话之前,我千恩万谢。第一次体验到银行和保险公司这么人性化的服务,真是太激动了!   原来,加拿大的银