On A Factor Influencing English Listening Teaching and learning

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  Abstract: This essay is mainly about a factor influencing English listening teaching and learning, inappropriate learning habits to help teachers and students in the improvement of listening comprehension.
  Key words: English listening teaching and learning; habits of learning;
  In recent years, listening teaching and learning is spread. It strengthens the demand for listening. Teachers and students are all aware of the unavailable of “deaf-mute English”. But the level of English teaching and learning is not improved with cognition. They feel the level of every learner of English listening is irregular. There is an important factor influencing English listening teaching and learning.
  Inappropriate learning habits
  The famous educationist of China Ye Shengtao once said: “What is education? In a word, we should form a habit.” Good learning habit can make students accelerate the process of learning, improve effect of learning. It is like a catalyst. But some students do not have a good habit in the process of listening. The level of listening will not be improving.
  1 Without the habit of writing, drawing, speaking, counting and guessing while listening
  The process of listening is not independent. In the process, students should learn to use ears, eyes, mouth, hands and heart. When listening, they can record some key words and key data, speak on the basis of understanding, act as the information, train operation and skills of thinking, express the information by drawing, guess some unknown words and predict the back information. If students do not have the habit, they will take one into consideration to the neglect of the other.
  2 Not combining intensive listening with extensive listening.
  Intensive listening, which demand students not only to understand meaning of passage, but also to understand every word and sentence. Students should listen several times, analysize the passage and every sentence, or have a dictation word by word, sentence by sentence. The key is to understand meanings of sentences. Extensive listening is different from intensive listening. The key is to grasp the main meaning. Intensive listening is the basic training. Extensive listening is to strengthen and extend the effect of intensive listening. One is a trick, the other is a purpose. Some students do not do well in combining the two aspects. They do not contact with all kinds of material of listening, such as listening to English songs, watching original edition of films, listening to English radio and joining in the “Corner of English”. They all influence improvement of English listening.   3 Lack of capabilities of comprehensive understanding
  The ultimate goal of training of English listening teaching is to understand oral information comprehensively. In the English language activities, though the listeners overcome the barriers of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar and so on, it is difficult to understand the listening contents without certain skills of listening. In summary, there are some existed problems on comprehensive understanding among the students as follows: 1 Some students does well in grasp the meaning of passage, they focus on the single word or single sentence. 2 Some students always stop to think over when they do not understand. So they are easy to miss the back information .The small number of students do not gain the understanding of listening contents by the thinking of English. They translate into Chinese firstly, and then translate into English. Although the process of translating is very short, it seriously influences the input of back information. 3 Some students read slowly and have a poor instantaneous memory. They do not pay attention to training their speed of reading, thus they can not complete and understand the questions and options within the given time. 4. Some students do not predict the information towards their familiar structure of sentences and context. They only wait for the following text passively. When they encounter a great number of sentences or passages, they will be at a loss. Some even choose to give it up. Therefore, it is important to foster the capabilities of comprehensive understanding. The students must overcome the difficulties in English and be good at mastering the meaning of passages to understand the content and accelerate the speed of reading and instantaneous memory.
  In brief, the improvement of ability of English listening comprehension is a long, complex and advanced process. The level of English listening is not accomplished in one move. Rome is not built in a day. If we want to improve English listening teaching and the learning skill, schools, teachers and the students all must overcome the factor, foster the good listening habits. So English listening level certainly can be in a higher goal!
  1. Anderson, A., & Lynch, T. (1988). Listening. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  2. Asher, J. (1988). Learning another language through actions: The complete teacher's guidebook (3rd ed.). Los Gatos, CA: Sky Oaks Productions.
  3. Liu Shaolong. Language Teaching in China. Journal of Xi’an International Studies University, 3(2004),17-20
  4.刘英红.《英语听力障碍浅析》[J].现代英语教学 2000-4-19
  5.王家芝译.(英)威廉 里弗斯写 《如何提高外语听力水平》[J].国外外语教学 1995(4)
摘 要:考试作为衡量人知识能力的重要工具在社会中广泛运用,在学校中更是老师们的“法宝”,但对于某些特殊的学生来说,这无疑是一场“噩梦”,这就是我们常说的“考试焦虑”。本文从一个亲身经历的案例出发,试图阐述考试焦虑产生的原因和对学生学习、考试的影响。用“攻其心、授其法、强其体”来展开对考试焦虑处理方法的理解和讨论。最后本文呼吁在研究、处理学生考试焦虑的征途上,我们任重道远。   关键词:考试焦虑
这是一节三年级第4单元B部分的对话课,教学内容是have some fruits的对话,这课的教学难点比较多,8个句子中有5个句子是新的,而且这一对话的2句来自前一对话,前面A部分的对话掌握就显的很重要。上课准备时间只有3天。我自己好多年都没带过三年级英语课了,对三年级的学生和教材都不熟悉。但是按照一般的经验,半年多的学习基础应该能够适应英语的授课环境,而且这个年龄段的孩子具有较强的表演能力,他们
英国诗人布莱曼说:“一朵花里窥天堂,一粒沙里见世界。”今天,我在Justin的课堂上深刻地体会到这句话的真谛。Justin本节课的授课内容为go for it八下unit8 Why don’t you learn to sing English songs? 。这节课中所有的细节都是一个“过程”,有各种教学要素的参与,在课堂的环境中发生并延伸着,形成了细节的生态过程。点滴的细微决定着教学的成败,丝
摘 要:翻译是一项极其复杂的社会文化交际行为,文本性质、翻译目的、社会文化语境、语言差异、读者的阅读情趣和接受能力等,都会对译文产生这样或那样的影响。本文着重从中西文化差异谈“译文”的认同以及文化的差异对翻译的影响。   关键词:文化差异;翻译;“不折腾”;影响   导论:中共中央总书记胡锦涛2008年12月8日在纪念中国共产党十一届三中全会召开30周年大会上的讲话中使用了“不折腾”,使记者招
过去,人们把学习成绩及遵守纪律都比较差的学生称之为“双差生”。现在对这些学生,尤其是对学习成绩不理想的学生,都不以“差生”称之,而代之以“学困生”或“后进生”, 在教育词典中对“后进生”是这样定义的:在班级中经常违反道德原则,或者犯有严重过错的学生。他们常常表现为思想觉悟低,不遵守纪律,不能完成学习任务。其形成的根源复杂,就好像一个患了严重疾病的病人,“病去如抽丝”,决不是轻易就能根除的。因而对他
《全日制高中英语课程标准》指出:“学生应该学习和掌握的英语语言基础知识包括语音、语法、词汇、功能和话题五个方而的内容。”语音是语言的基础,高中英语语音教学关系着听、说、读、写教学的顺利进行。主要体现在以下几个方面。   1.语音意识对词汇学习的影响。新课标下的英语教材的显著特点是词汇量大。没有语音教学就直接影响到词汇的记忆,单词的听、说、读、写。没有词汇学生就无法表达自己。学生听不懂、说不出、不
Abstract: A facial exprsession is one of body languages, which plays a very important role in our English classroom teaching .Due to complicated classification of body languange, this paper merely cho
《新课标》明确指出,初中阶段的英语阅读课主要目的旨在激发和培养学生阅读的兴趣,能使学生读懂简易的英语读物,帮助学生在阅读学习过程中形成有效的阅读策略。但随着年段的升高,阅读的篇幅在逐渐加长,阅读的要求也在逐步增高,学生在阅读学习中的遇到的障碍越来越多,导致学生阅读兴趣逐渐降低,阅读能力发展缓慢。站在实际的角度看,我们都有必要找出问题所在,针对问题去探讨解决的办法。   一、结合图文,刺激学生的阅
摘 要:初中英语作文教学中教师批改的形式往往使学生参与积极性不高,笔者结合新课程理念和合作学习理论,尝试在七年级中实行了“组内互评、智慧闯关”为题的课题研究,通过十周的训练夯实了互评的基础,又通过适时肯定激活了学生的参与意识,全面提升学生的英语评改能力,为今后的英语学习打下了扎实基础。研究得到了广泛认可,也为教学革新增添了一道风景。   关键词:组内互评 智慧闯关 合作学习 竞争 激励   
一、找准主观原因,练听  要吸收和巩固语言及培养说、读、写语言能力,听是人们言语交际的一个重要内容,听是英语发音准确的关键,也是学习英语的重要途径之一。 影响英语听力的主要因素有:语音材料、语境、相关背景知识、汉语知识、语音语法规则与词汇量的掌握、思维策略。语音材料、语境、背景知识、汉语知识是客观的,听者不能决定。因此,培养学生的听力,主要是教学生发音和语法的规则和让他们记住一定量的词汇;培养学生