After the liberation of mainland China, although the enemies of the open guns were eliminated, the hidden enemy forces continued their sabotage under the guidance of the United States Chiang Kai-shek. The ways in which the enemy conducts sabotage are various. One of the major ways is to fabricate and disseminate rumors to disrupt people’s hearts and undermine the country’s order. According to the survey, rumors have been constantly found all over the country. After the U.S. imperialist invasion of North Korea, rumors were more rampant than ever before because of the intensification of US imperialism and the Kuomintang gangs. The rumor content can be broadly divided into three categories: The first category is current affairs. That is, it advocates three wars, exaggerates the strength of U.S. imperialism, and blindly plays the atomic bomb so as to intimidate the masses. The second category is policy-oriented and carries out policies on the revenue, public debt, disaster relief, production, marriage and land reform of the people’s government and deliberately makes various distortions to undermine production and construction and other work. The third category belongs to pick