大唐盛世产三彩 三彩名陶出洛阳——唐三彩传人高水旺

来源 :世界知识画报(艺术视界) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luanwenjie
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唐三彩是唐代生产的一种低温釉陶器,釉彩有黄、绿、白、褐、蓝、黑等色,而以黄、绿、白三色为主,所以人们习惯称之为“唐三彩”。因唐三彩最早、最多出土于洛阳,亦有“洛阳唐三彩”之称。唐三彩的生产已有1300多年的历史,它吸取了中国画、雕塑等工艺美术的特点。唐三彩制作工艺复杂,以经过精细加工的高岭土作为坯体,用含铜、铁、钴、锰、金等矿物作为釉料的着色剂,并在釉中加入适量的炼铅熔渣和铅灰作为助剂。先将素坯入窑焙烧,陶坯烧成后,再上釉彩,再次入窑烧至800℃左右而成。由于铅釉的流动性强,在烧制的过程中釉面向四周扩散流淌,各色釉互相浸润交融,形成自然而又斑驳绚丽的色彩,是一种具有中国独特风格的传统工艺品。 Tang Sancai is a kind of low-temperature glazed pottery produced in the Tang Dynasty. The glaze is yellow, green, white, brown, blue and black, while yellow, green and white are the main colors. Therefore, people are often called “Tang Sancai ”. Due to Tangsan the earliest, most unearthed in Luoyang, but also “Luoyang Tang Sancai ” said. Tang Sancai production has more than 1300 years of history, it draws Chinese paintings, sculptures and other arts and crafts features. Tang Sancai production process is complex, with refined kaolin as the body, with copper, iron, cobalt, manganese, gold and other minerals as a glaze coloring agent, and in the glaze by adding lead smelting slag and lead ash as appropriate Additives. The first blank into the kiln roasted, baked billet, then glaze color, again into the kiln burn to about 800 ℃ made. Due to the strong fluidity of lead glaze, the glaze spreads to and fro all around the process of firing. The colored glaze infiltrates and blends with each other to form a natural and mottled brilliant color. It is a traditional handicraft with Chinese unique style.
8月20日 睛  说起与别人合作的经历,那真是数不胜数。可让我记忆最深的要数我和姐姐一起办的手抄报了。  记得那年国庆节,老师说学校要举行手抄报比赛。许多同学都为之一惊,可不久又兴高彩烈地蹦蹦跳跳。我顿时傻了眼,怎么办呢?我可没干过。要是办不好,肯定得不上奖,但又不能不办。愁眉苦脸的我突然灵机一动,想起一个人来,禁不住心里的高兴,笑出声来。  放学后,我回到家放下书包焦急等待。这不,说曹操曹操就到