1 民族地州高中数学教学综述 民族地州中学高中学生从总体而言,少数民族学生占25-35%左右,汉民族学生仍是主体,学校教育的发展较滞后。反映在教学上,一方面是在校学生中的综合素质不高,差异性大,研究表明,边疆民族地州中、小学生认知发展的“滞后性”是客观存在的。他们在学习中往往表现为缺乏积极参与意识,独立思考意识差,不敢大胆问答,不敢大胆质疑,被动接受,自信心不足等。另一
1 Summary of mathematics teaching in senior high schools in ethnic prefectures In general, ethnic minority students account for about 25-35% of ethnic minority students. Han minority students are still the mainstay, and the development of school education lags behind. Reflected in the teaching, on the one hand, the overall quality of the students in the school is not high, and the difference is large. Studies have shown that the “lagging behind” of the cognitive development of the primary and middle school students in the frontier ethnic areas is an objective reality. In their studies, they often show a lack of awareness of active participation, poor independent thinking, dare not daring to ask questions, dare to question, accept passively, and lack self-confidence. another