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如今国家间的较量越来越体现在文化水平的较量。随着国家对人口素质提升的迫切需求,人口数量占一半以上的农村成为文化发展的主力军。农村教育发展成为文化发展的重中之重,其中农村美术教育面临改革与发展的机遇,而助推农村美术教育持续发展的关键因素在于转变农村家长的教育观念。本文采用SWOT分析法对文化强国大背景下农村美术教育事业发展的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁等各方面因素进行详细分析,得出家长的教育观念是重中之重。如此以来,打破传统思想、转变家长教育念,才能助推农村美术教育持续发展。 Now the contest between countries is more and more reflected in the contest of cultural level. With the urgent need of the country for improving the quality of the population, more than half of the rural population has become the main force of cultural development. The development of rural education has become the most important part of cultural development. Rural art education is faced with the opportunities of reform and development. The key factor that helps to promote the sustainable development of rural art education lies in changing the educational concept of rural parents. This article uses SWOT analysis to analyze in detail the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the development of rural art education under the background of cultural power and draws the conclusion that parents’ educational concept is the most important task. In this way, we can break the traditional thinking and change the concept of parent education so as to boost the continuous development of rural art education.
如果您有心理方面的困惑,可以发电子邮件到laoyou_xby@163,com中。我们将针对您提出的问题,请专门的心理医生来为您解答。本刊编辑部 If you have psychological confusion,
根据著名的心理学家埃里克森的自我概念和人格发展理论,自我认同感对一个人的行为和创造力的影响是巨大的。在儿童时期,如果孩子体验到了成功,他的竞争意识和行为的动力就会不断增强,有助于他形成良好的自我认同感,促使他今后成为积极的社会成员。而过多的失败体验会使儿童产生一种无能的感觉,渐渐形成自卑心理,对未来生活期望不高。  优秀少年却厌学  魏少君今年10岁,是一名小学四年级男生,学习成绩中等。一直以来,
梦的操盘手  “梦见鸡蛋寓意即将发财;梦里有桥说明成功越来越近;梦见喊叫就要小心血光之灾……”在中国民间流传的《周公解梦》中,梦不但是现实的映射,更是预见未来的方法。面对镜花水月的梦境,人们总是充满了好奇,并寻找着它与现实之间的关系。  较早从事这一研究的是美国芝加哥大学的德门特和沃尔珀特。实验之初,大多数来到他们睡眠实验室的受试者,在叙述梦中的故事经历时,都会把睡眠实验室这个新奇的环境编入到各自
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