“甘露消毒丹”首见《温热经纬》,原方以丸剂应用,现多作汤剂广泛应用于临床。本方主治湿温初起,邪在气分,湿热并重之证。现就自己近几年在儿科临床上的治验,略作介绍。 1 湿热泄泻 赵某,女,4岁。1992年7月12日初诊。患儿腹泻月余,泻下稀薄、腹痛、有少量粘液、发热、口苦、纳差、舌苔黄腻。大便常规化验WBC(+),粘液(++)。证属湿热温结脾胃,肠道气机不畅。用此方加猪苓、炒麦芽6剂痊愈。泄泻乃小儿常见病,因其脾胃薄弱,加之多食生冷,生活不能自理易受外邪侵袭,因而
“Ganlu disinfection Dan” first see “warm latitude and longitude,” the original prescription to the application of pills, is now widely used in decoction clinical. The party attending wet temperature early, evil in the gas points, damp-heat card. Now on their pediatric clinical trials in recent years, a little introduction. 1 hot and cold diarrhea Zhao, female, 4 years old. July 12, 1992 newly diagnosed. Children with more than a month of diarrhea, diarrhea thin, abdominal pain, a small amount of mucus, fever, mouth pain, anorexia, greasy tongue coating. Stool routine tests WBC (+), mucus (++). Card is hot and humid temperature spleen and stomach, intestinal gas machine sluggish. Use this side plus Polyporus, fried malt 6 agents heal. Diarrhea is a common disease in children, because of its weak stomach, coupled with eating too much cold, life can not easily vulnerable to invasion of exogenous pathogens, and therefore