1995年5月8日。 “杨建森贪污公款被检察院抓起来了。”消息不胫而走象一阵风儿在红土地上吹过。建行瑞金市支行大院一锅水烧开了,沸腾了。人们先是愕然,继而怀疑。 34岁的杨建森,1.64米的矮墩身材,略显粗糙仍不失清秀的面孔,配上一付金丝边眼镜,更显得温文尔雅。人们无论如何都难以将他与犯罪联系起来。然而,正是他,在不到4个月的时间里,连续作案4次,先后贪污本行55.72万元巨额公款,成为该市建国以来被查获贪污金额最多的贪污犯。自私和贪婪使他跌入罪恶的深渊,青春的脚步停滞在庄严的法律面前。
May 8, 1995. “Yang Jiansen embezzled public funds by the Procuratorate arrested.” The news spread like wildfire like a gust of wind blowing on the red land. CCB Ruijin City Branch courtyard boiling water boiled, boiling up. People were stunned and then suspicious. 34-year-old Yang Jiansen, 1.64 meters short dun body, slightly rough yet handsome face, coupled with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, even more gentle. It is hard for anyone to relate him to crime anyway. However, it was him who, in less than 4 months, committed four consecutive commits and has successively embezzled a huge sum of public funds of 557,200 yuan, becoming the most corrupt embezzler since the founding of the People’s Republic. Selfishness and greed caused him to fall into the abyss of sin, and the pace of youth stagnated before the solemn law.