“在这样的时候 ,我常常想起林则徐的那两句诗 :‘苟利国家生死以 ,岂因祸福避超之。’”这一段话引自陈祖芬著《世界上什么事最开心》一书第 1 62页的附录 ,是一位作家写给陈祖芬的信。该书为中国社会科学出版社 1 997年 3月第 1版 ,同年 7月第 3次印刷。对照林则徐的诗句 ,这
“At such times, I often think of those two verses by Lin Zexu:” Because of Gobi’s national birth and death, why not avoid it because of good and bad fortunes? “This passage is quoted from Chen Zufen’s book,” What is the happiest in the world? " The appendix on page 62 is a letter from a writer to Chen Zufen. This book is the first edition of China Social Sciences Press, March 1997, the third printing in July of the same year. Contrast Lin Zexu verse, this