邱健康终于又搬回了位于办公楼4层的办公室。在这座出自国际名设计师之手的现代风格办公楼周围,是红河卷烟厂苏州园林式的花园厂区,工厂大门外,是翠岭起伏、水波荡漾的美丽公园。 很难想象红河10年前的落魄窘境。
Qiu Health finally moved back to the office located on the 4th floor of the office building. Surrounded by modern-style office buildings designed by international designers, it is a garden-like garden factory in Honghe Cigarette Factory. Outside the gate of the factory, it is a beautiful park with colorful and rippling waters. It is hard to imagine the dwindling red river 10 years ago.