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鲁RH-1是山东省棉花杂交优势利用协作组,以丰产、抗病核不育两用系作母本,转Bt基因抗虫棉作父本育成的杂交棉新品种。该品种高抗棉铃虫。主要特征特性全生育期130天左右,株高100厘米,果枝15~18台, Lu RH-1 is a new breed of hybrid cotton which was bred from Bt cotton by using high-yielding and disease-resistant nuclear sterile dual-purpose lines as female parent and Shandong parent cotton hybrid utilization superiority group. The variety of high resistance to bollworm. The main characteristics of the whole growth period of about 130 days, plant height of 100 cm, fruiting branches 15 to 18 units,
Zoonosis is used to describe disease that has the potential to naturally transmit from vertebrate animal to man. This can also go vice versa whereby disease can
摘要:媒介融合时代的来临,给我国电视节目的营销带来了巨大的发展空间,也为我国处于尴尬地位的农业电视带来了发展机遇。文章就农业电视发展过程中的节目营销问题做了实事求是的分析,为对农电视的品牌建设和新媒体战略提出了努力的方向。  关键词:媒介融合 对农电视 节目营销    在收视率至上的传媒评价体制下,我国农业电视发展艰难。改变我国当前农业电视的边缘化地位,提升我国乡村传播的效果,推动新农村建设步伐,
Leprosy, an age old disease known to the mankind, is a chronic infectious disease affecting skin and nerves predominantly[1]. As of 2016, with the constant effo
Enterococcus (E.) faecium is recognized as a leading cause of nosocomial infections worldwide. Infection with the organism is often difficult to treat due to it
Objective: To evaluate the performance of interferon gamma release assays and tuberculin skin test in Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccinated young children. Method
936098小麦是济宁市农科所采用复合杂交方法,经系谱选育而成的冬小麦高产新品系。 936098 Wheat is Jining City, Agricultural Sciences by hybrid cross method, the ped
Objective: To describe the recovery time and related factors among COVID-19 patients in Vietnam. Methods: We used the secondary data obtained from the official