1978年在许昌县张潘乡调查汉魏古城遗址时发现了铜质官印四方,收藏在许昌县文化馆,1979年4月转交许昌博物馆收藏,现介绍如下: 一、铜质、龟纽,白文篆刻。边长2.4、通高1.9,厚0.9厘米,印文“奉车都尉”,(图1)。“奉车都尉”一职据《历代职官表》释:“汉武帝时置奉车都尉以掌陪皇帝东车舆,霍光尝为此官。兼光禄大夫,出则奉车,入侍
In 1978, Zhang Panxiang in Xuchang County surveyed the site of the ancient Han and Wei dynasties discovered the official seal of the four corners of the copper collection in the Xuchang County Cultural Center. In April 1979, it was handed over to the collection of the Xuchang Museum, as follows: I. Copper, Turtle New Zealand and White Seal . Side length 2.4, through height 1.9, thickness 0.9 cm, printed text “in the car captain,” (Figure 1). According to the “History of Officials Table” explained: "When the Han Emperor Wu Feng Wei home with the car to accompany the emperor East car, Huo Guang tasting for this officer .And Guanglu doctor, then car, into Paternity