A swept-frequency optical coherence tomography k-clock delay correction algorithm is proposed, which can effectively correct the delay of light source with k-clock signal based on the cross-correlation operation. Due to the instability of the sweep light source, the lack of precision of the synchronous triggering hardware and the influence of the external environment, the kclock signal from the swept light source may have an indefinite delay with the interference signal when re-sampling the interference signal, resulting in System resolution decreased. A standard k-clock signal is obtained experimentally, and then the cross-correlation operation is used to calculate the delay of the k-clock signal to be corrected. From the calculated delay, the kclock signal is shifted left and right to correct it, and the cubic spline interpolation is used to obtain equal-interval interference signals in the wavenumber domain. The experimental results show that the average running time of this algorithm is 0.18s, which can improve the system resolution by 18.2% and improve the system performance.