<正> Do you enjoy Christmas parties?I must admit that at the mo-ment,now that the curtain is rising on the festive season,I lookforward to every social gatherin
<正> 科技英语中经常遇到 develop 这个词,翻译时,我们很容易想到其本义“发展”。如:1.In order to develop our power industry,we must produce morepowerful generators.
<正> Suppose that we were space travellers,visiting the earthfrom some distant planet. It would be difficult to detects muchtrace of the atmosphere until we wer
<正> 在大学英语教学中若能以介、副词为线索找出与之搭配使用的动词,可以增强学生的记忆效果。如介词 into 除表示“进入”(如 break intothe house、plunge into the water
<正> The driving instructor was giving lessons to an extremelynervous student who panicked whenever another car ap-proached on a particular two-lane road. One d
<正> 介词 to 是英语中常用词之一。它的主要含义为“到,往,对于,倾向”等等。如 go to the pub 到酒馆去;To whom it may concern.致有关负责人(正式信函的开头使用语);She