煤矸石及煤灰中含有多种有重要价值的元素及其化合物。综合利用提取这些元素和化合物的工作有很大的经济效益和社会效益,也早为世界各国所重视。本文根据作者多年来的调研资料和研究结果,提出了以高温高压提取煤矸石及煤灰中的Al_2O_3为主体工艺进而全面综合利用煤炭工业固体废弃物的方案。一、煤炭工业固体废弃物的分类和用途首先,为便于根据当地条件因材利用,按各种综合利用途径对原料成份的不同要求把煤矸石和煤灰进行分类:1.燃化类:煤矸石或煤灰的发热量≥1400大卡/公片,含 Al_2O_3≥30%,或含较高品位的稀有、稀散元素者;
Coal gangue and coal ash contain a variety of important elements and their compounds. Comprehensive utilization of these elements and compounds extracted have great economic and social benefits, but also as early as the attention of all countries in the world. Based on the author’s research data and research results over the years, this paper puts forward a scheme of extracting solid waste from coal gangue and coal ash with high temperature and high pressure as the main process and then comprehensively utilizing coal industrial solid waste. First, the classification and use of coal industry solid waste First of all, in order to facilitate the use of materials according to local conditions, according to various comprehensive utilization of raw materials for different requirements of the gangue and coal ash classification: 1. Flammables: Coal Waste heat or coal ash ≥ 1400 kcal / piece, containing Al_2O_3 ≥ 30%, or containing a higher grade of rare, scattered elements;