柱塞式注水泵是油田广泛使用的一种往复式机械,对维持油田正常生产具有重要作用。石油天然气勘探开发科学研究院机械所与华北油田采油一厂合作,经过两年多的努力,在大量实验的基础上,研制成功主要用于柱塞式注水泵的故障诊断系统。 80年代以来,我国广大科技工作者在旋转机械的状态监测和故障诊断方面做了大量工作,取得了许多成果。但在往复机械方面,则由于各种原因而相对落后。 石油院机械所和采油一厂的科技工作者经过大量实验,发现了柱塞式注水泵的几个重要故障特征频段,掌握了一些常见故障与这些特征频段的关系,并发现水泵故障严重程度与频段内的能量大小有密切关系。在此基础
Plunger type water pump is widely used in oil field reciprocating machinery, to maintain the normal production of the oil field has an important role. After more than two years of hard work, based on a large number of experiments, the Machinery Institute of Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Research Institute cooperated with Huabei Oil Production Plant No.1 to develop a fault diagnosis system mainly used for plunger type water injection pump. Since the 1980s, the majority of scientists and technicians in our country have done a great deal of work in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rotating machinery and have achieved many achievements. However, in reciprocating machinery, it lags behind for various reasons. After a large number of experiments, the petroleum machinery institute and the workers in the first oil production plant discovered a few important fault characteristic frequency bands of the plunger type water injection pump, mastered some common faults and the relationship between these characteristic frequency bands, and found that the pump fault severity and The frequency of energy within the band is closely related. Based on this