
来源 :国外医学(计划生育分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbcat1982
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Norplant植入法是一种高效的避孕方法,药效可持续5年。已知其避孕机理是抑制排卵,但使用头2年80%~90%的妇女可见明显的无排卵周期,到第5年末血浆孕酮(P)水平仅有55%周期符合无排卵,其余周期P均达到排卵水平(P>3ng/ml)。认为Norplant还存在着其它避孕机理。为此,对Norplant使用者进行经前期hCG测定,并证明足以检出早期1CG存在的敏感性与对照组进行对比。治疗组为32名性生活正常,月经周期规律的已使用 The Norplant method is an effective contraceptive method that lasts for 5 years. Known contraceptive mechanism is to inhibit ovulation, but the use of the first 2 years 80% ~ 90% of women visible no ovulation cycle, by the end of 5 plasma progesterone (P) level only 55% of the cycle in line with anovulation, the rest of the cycle P reached ovulation level (P> 3ng / ml). Norplant believes there are other contraceptive mechanisms. To this end, Norplant users were pre-treated with hCG and demonstrated sufficient sensitivity to detect the presence of early 1CG as compared to controls. The treatment group was 32 normal sex life, menstrual cycle has been used
In recent years,the shortage of petroleum resources and the continued rising oil consumption have exerted a significant impact on the chemical fiber industry.Mo
例1.患者19岁,未婚.于1985年7月17日因上消化道出血,十二指肠球部溃疡住院.入院后给予静脉滴注西咪替丁0.8g/d 和止血芳酸0.5g/d,共5天.血止后改口服西咪替丁0.2g,每日3次,0
To extend electric vehicle (EV) running distance, the vehicle energy regeneration (ER) method and vehicle control strategy were designed based on the original v
本文在DNA水平上应用“DNA指纹图分析”这种新方法,借助于证实葡萄胎和水肿性流产胎在遗传性变异上的差别来鉴别葡萄胎的异常受精雄核发育和水肿性流产胎的在常受精。 In t
为观察 GnRH 激动剂 leuprolide 治疗子宫肌瘤的有效性及安全性,选择①绝经前月经周期规律,雏经前月经同别脚f-年龄最小21岁,②未妊娠,未哺乳,③子宫增大经超声或磁共振证实
Brenner 氏瘤是妇科一种少见的卵巢良性原发性肿瘤。而恶性 Brenner 氏瘤因极为罕见,国内外均极少报道。现将我院收治的卵巢恶性 Brenner 氏瘤3例报告如下。临床资料一、一