
来源 :国外油田工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzc2001
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电磁流量计是测量注聚剖面的理想工具 ,一般应用于尾管位于油层之上 1 0m的笼统注入井。电磁流量计解释一般根据测井记录的流量频率数计算分层注入状况。相关解释法利用相同仪器的不同次测井仪器常数恒定原理 ,以一次测量相关数据应用于其他测量解释 ,降低了单井分别计算流量校正系数带来的误差。特别是当尾管进入油层时 ,相关解释法能够给出各层注入量 ,解决该种井况测井不能解释的问题。经实例验证相关解释法结果稳定可靠 ,误差符合测量解释标准 Electromagnetic flowmeter is an ideal tool for measuring injection profile, generally used in general injection wells where the tailpipe is located 10m above the reservoir. Magnetic flowmeter interpretation Logging flow rate calculated according to the general number of stratified injection conditions. The relevant interpretation method uses the constant constant principle of different subsurface logging tools of the same instrument to apply the relevant data of one measurement to other measurement explanations and reduces the error caused by calculating the correction coefficient separately for the single well. Especially when the tail pipe into the reservoir, the relevant interpretation method can give the injection amount of each layer, to solve the logging of wells can not explain the problem. The example shows that the results of the relevant interpretation method are stable and reliable, and the errors meet the standards of measurement and interpretation
研究目的: 近代科学技术飞速进步,使得工业化逐渐把人类带入高度物质欲求的现代社会,人与自然的极端对立已带来生态、资源、环境危机等种种恶果。 环境艺术设计是以人为本
对抽油机井系统效率的分析发现 ,系统效率计算有时存在偏差。分析认为常规计算方法是将地层能量所做的功全部当作有用功 ,认为地层能量没有参加克服井下损耗而作功 ,因而计算