通识教育“General Educatior”作为一种教育观念在当代大学教育中已被普遍接受,大学教育不仅为学生提供更广阔的学习平台,同时将人的全面发展与专业技能发展相协调,共同使学生成为有素质的公民、有职业的工作者、有情趣的生活者。许多大学一方面致力于专业学科的发展和建设,另一方面也不断深化通识教育的课程体系,帮助学生成为具有通识素养的专业学习者。“核心课程”是实施通识教育的具体模式,它通常以模块形式出现,例如哈佛大学核心课程包含7大类11个领域,哥伦比亚大学核心课程包含十门课程。教育者相信通
General education “General Educatior” as a concept of education has been generally accepted in contemporary university education, college education not only provides students with a broader platform for learning, at the same time, people’s all-round development and professional skills development in harmony and common Make students a qualified citizen, a professional worker, a fun life. Many universities, on the one hand, devote themselves to the development and construction of specialized disciplines. On the other hand, they constantly deepen the curriculum system of general education and help students to become professional learners of general literacy. “Core curriculum ” is a specific model for implementing general education. It usually appears as a module. For example, the core curriculum of Harvard University consists of seven major areas and 11 fields. The core of Columbia University includes ten courses. Educators believe it