在前人构建的彗星状H Ⅱ区演化过程模型的基础上,我们进一步发展了一个完全的数值方法模型来研究彗星状H Ⅱ区的动力学演化。我们......
With the objective of studying the relationships between high-velocity gas and water maser emission the results of a sea......
The 13CO (J=1-0) map of the molecular cloud Sgr B2 reveals that the mass center of the molecular cloud nucleus does not ......
It is recognized that the interstellar methanol-107 GHz masers and OH-4.765 GHz masers towards Class Ⅱ sources are asso......
We present high angular resolution images of both NHa (1, 1) and (2,2) lines toward NGC 7538 IRS 1. The density and velo......