Genetic diversity analysis of sugarcane germplasm collections based on a start codon targeted polymo
Sugarcane is the most important sugar and energy crop,representing more than 77%of the total sugar production and over 7......
AN increasing number of travelers are heading for Kaiping, a small city 122 kilometers south-west of Guangzhou, to see t......
China’s oil imports will continue to see solid growth in 2010, with more than half of the country’s total oil consumpt......
In this paper,a hybrid improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO) algorithm is proposed for the optimization of hydroel......
The primary halos of porphyry copper deposits are characterized by compositional zoning inthree dimensions. Two ideal z......
China’s crude supply consists of the imported crude and crude produced by CNPC and CNOOC. In 1996, national crude prod......
According to statistics, there are more than 50 manufacturers of auto steering gear in China now, most of which are of ......
The name Xinjiang literally translates into “new frontier,” and the name of the autonomous region rings especially tru......
Board of directors article We recommend keeping the board of directors small andallowing for board meetings to be hel......
China attracted a record of US$52.7×109 in foreign direct investment (FDI) in the year 2002, surpassing the United Stat......
This site in the Peal River Delta abounds in unusual towers built for defense and as a refuge from natural disasters Jia......
To improve acoustic performance of an air cleaner system,both experimental and theoretical studies were carried out.The ......
Rare earth luminescent materials have been global green illumination sources today. It was estimated that proportion bet......
According to the No. 14 proclamation issued by Customs Service, as from April 1st 2007, the importation of galena and th......
Maintaining auto market growth without policyincentives poses a challenge to the Chinese market...
Following China’s WTO entry, most importers and consumers were optimistic about the imported car market at the beginni......
The news of China now being the world’s largest auto market may be good for the country’s automobile industries, but m......
The Ministry of Commerce of China(MOFCOM) begins warning onoverseas technical trade barriersagainst China’s exports and......
Since the 1990s, with the in-depth study and understanding of sustainable development, quantitative study of regional su......
One day a rich father took his young son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show him how poor people can ......
This paper introduces the process and result of fatigue test of steel (Z direction steel) welded T tubular joints used ......
Chinese casting production increased to 31,270,000tons in 2007,with an increase of 11.3%compared to 28,090,000tons in 20......
微课是一个imported goods(舶来品),它是以视频为载体,针对学生所要学习的某一知识点进行精讲,教学内容精炼,教學过程流程,教学环节相对完......
In recent years, China’s energy demand and Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have grown very fast, quite an amount of whic......
An advanced direct chip attaching packaged two-dimensional ceramic thermal wind sensor is studied.The thermal wind senso......
目的了解 2004年广州首例输入性登革热( DF)病例的流行病学、临床、病原学检查特点.方法对患者流行病学及临床资料进行回顾性分析,......
In 2017,due to the intensified implementation of the ‘changing coal into gas' policy in the northern area and the g......
对马尾口岸2008 ~ 2012年进境空集装箱疫情截获进行统计分析,指出了进境空集装箱植物检疫存在的问题,并提出了相应的检疫监管对策.......
目的 探讨成都地区输入性恶性疟疾的临床特点及其诊断与治疗.方法 回顾性分析12例输入性恶性疟疾的临床资料.结果 12例输入性恶性......