This study aims to assess the effective capacity of <i>Panicum</i><span> <i>maximum</i> </span>to accumulate cadmium (Cd......
谷子(Setaria italica)和黍(Panicum miliaceum)是中国北方种植的最重要的传统谷物。在大约7,000年前的新石器时代遗址中,曾发现最......
Vengono riportate in questo secondo contributo nuove segnalazioni di specie rinvenutenel corso di erborizzazioni nella ......
秋稷Panicum dichotomiflorum是北美大陆的一种恶性杂草,它的分布范围从新斯科舍南到佛罗里达,西到加里福尼亚,在美国所有的谷物......
由Piricularia oryzae Cav.引起的稻瘟病是水稻(Oryza sativa L.)上的一种严重病害,尤对种植于温带地区的水稻以及种植于热带的旱......
狗牙根(Cynodon daotylon)、香附子(Cyperus rolundus)、白茅(Imperatacylindrica)和铺地黍(Panicum repens)在氯仿和甲醇中提取......
Objective:To evaluate antiplasmodial and analgesic activities of ethanolic leaf extract/ fractions of Panicum maximum.Me......
热带牧草——坚尼草(Panicum maximum Jacq)的生殖方式为单性细胞生殖(无孢子生殖体假受精),而在进行坚尼草的杂交育种中,需要有......
许多作物常用杀菌剂处理种子,防止土壤中和种子上携带的菌类侵害幼苗、幼株。在美国内布拉斯加州西部,稷(Panicum miliaceum L.)......
Protoplasts from suspension-culture cells of japonica rice cultivar 02428 (Oryza sativa L.)were inactivated with 2.5 mM......
Protoplasts from suspension-culture cells ofjaponica rice cultivar 02428(Oryza sativa L.)were inactivated with 2.5 mM i......
黍子(Panicum miliaceum L.)很适于在美国中部大平原旱地栽培,每年种植面积达115000公顷。在粮食作物中,它需水量最少,水分利用效......
巴拉草(Panicum parparascens Raddi)为半匍伏性的禾本科多年生牧草,原产于南美热带和非洲,现广布于世界热带、亚热带多雨地区。......
一般栽培的稗子,是禾本科稷属的一种。很像榖子,一年生草本,高三、四尺叶细长而尖,分叶力很强。学名 Panicum frumentaceum hook ......
糜黍(Panicum miliaceum L.)属禾本科黍属,栽培黍种。粳者为糜,糯者为黍。其营养丰富,粗蛋白含量为11.3%,粗脂肪为3.8%,维生素含量......
坚尼草(Panicum maxi-mum Jacp)又名几内亚草、大黍,原产于非洲热带和亚热带地区.现已在南美洲、西印度群岛、东南亚、澳大利亚和......
我是糜(又名稷)和黍的育种工作者,在工作中发现有的书上沿用古籍所说“黍杆有毛、稷杆无毛”,“黍穗聚而稷穗散”的记载. 事实上......
黍稷(糜)(Panicum miliaceum L.)属禾本科黍属黍种,为一年生草本植物,是世界上古老的粮食与饲料作物,具有早熟、耐旱特性,古名:黍......
黍稷(糜) (Panicum miliaceum L.)是起源于我国的古老作物之一。在山西省万荣县荆村新石器时代的遗址中,曾经发现烧焦的黍穗。由......
坚尼草(Panicum maximum Jacq.)又名大黍、羊草、几内亚草,原产于非洲,现在印度、斯里兰卡、印尼、澳大利亚和美国南部都有栽培。......
坚尼草(Panicum maximum Jacq)为热带多年生牧草,原产非洲,约在30年代引入我国。由于坚尼草不耐寒,并且种子易脱落、产量低,所以生......
本文以一种C4植物——黍子(Panicum miliaceum)为材料,在白光、红光、蓝光、远红光和黑暗5种不同条件下培养黍子幼苗,叶片采收后用......
The genetic diversity of 118 accessions of broomcorn millet(Panicum miliaceum L.),collected from various ecological area......
Role of New Archaeobotanical Methods in Dating the Origin of Dry Farming in East Asia:Phytolith Anal
The emergence of agriculture is one of the most important revolutionary events in the history of human development.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNAs that play critical roles in post-transcriptional regulation. Their tar......
Response of broomcorn millet(Panicum miliaceum L.)genotypes from semiarid regions of China to salt s
Salt tolerance of crops is becoming more and more important, owing to the constant increase of salinity in arid and semi......
Diurnal and seasonal variations of soil respiration rate under different row-spacing in a Panicum vi
Soil respiration(SR) in crop field is affected by environmental factors, agronomic practices and crop types. To clarify ......
为完成黍子最佳AFLP(amplified fragment length polymorphism)体系的构建,以黍子为研究材料,通过优化AFLP过程的4个限制因素,确定......
以两个不同生态型的柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)Alamo(低地型)和Cave-in-Rock(高地型)为试验材料,研究在0、50、100和150mmol·L~(-1......
[摘要]本文介绍了谷糜种植的全过程,为谷糜的种植提供参考。 [关键词]谷糜;种植;品种 [Abstract] Panicum miliaceum intr......
在4~32℃的恒温培养箱中使杂草种子萌发,每天萌发百分数与温度的回归直线在X轴上的截距即表示杂草发育的低阈温度(LOW TTD′s)。以......
【正】Objective:To evaluate antiplasmodial and analgesic activities of ethanolic leaf extract/ fractions of Panicum maxi......
A novel switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) extract mediated green process was demonstrated for the synthesis of silver nanop......
Biomass Production of Monocultures and Mixtures of Cup Plant and Native Grasses on Prime and Margina
To date, most candidate systems for producing herbaceous cellulosic biomass have been composed of monocultures of perenn......
Investigation on Agronomic Characters of Dwarf Mutant 778 in Broomcorn Millet(Panicum miliaceum L.)a
In order to investigate the differences between agronomic traits of dwarf mutant and original material 260 and whether t......