Analysis of risk factors for early stent thrombosis in the Chinese population:A multicenter restrosp
BACKGROUND:The predictive scoring systems for early stent thrombosis(EST)remains blank in China.The study aims to evalua......
根据在 20062007 的编的多学科的历史的数据和遥感数据,我们执行了产生的深入的研究和 hypoxic 地区和它的分发形态学和结构的驱散......
Association Analysis for Quality Traits in a Diverse Panel of Chinese Sesame(Sesamum indicum L.)Germ
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of a sesame(Sesamum indicum L.) panel for association ana......
目的 利用现有人力资源,建立组长负责制分层管理模式,减少护理缺陷,减少护理纠纷,提高急诊护理质量.方法 制订考核标准,将护士分层......
Thirty-five hybridoma cell lines against cytoke-ratins, isolated from Hela cells and human cellus respectively, were gen......
The algebraic solitary wave and its associated eigenvalue problem in a deep stratified fluid with a free surface and a s......
We used a Lake Shira numerical model to estimate the response of the ecosystem of a saline meromictic lake to variations......
There has been an appropriate focus,since the turn of the 21 st century,on sex-and gender-specifi c cardiovascular disea......
Baroclinic pressure gradient difference schemes of subtracting the local averaged density stratifica
Much has been written of the error in computing the baroclinic pressure gradient (BPG) with sigma coordinates in ocean o......