CE-PP03:Visual Ability of Final Year Science Students and their Relationships with CGPA and Chemistr
Visualization skills are essential tools that could accelerate learning and promote scientific understanding.There are m......
Late Cenozoic Sedimentary Records, Environmental Changes in north Tianshan and the Relationship to I
Factor Analysis of the Parameters of Samples of the Steppe Soil and Grass Of Mongolia and Inland Mon
Regularities of rank distributions and binary relations between nine parameters are given.The most active are the geogra......
Truly opposite is defined by identity of units with complementary anatomy or structure to form a pair,e.g.male and femal......
Scaling relationships of elastic-perfectly plastic film/coating materials from small scale sharp ind
The scaling relationships of elastic-perfectly plastic film/coating materials during sharp indentation have been obtaine......
Relationship science has proliferated in the last few years.However,most of these studies have remained focused on weste......
Boron-dipyrromethene(BODIPY)is one promising class of sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells(DSSCs)due to unique mer......
A Multiple Negotiations Model Considering Interdependence between Discrete Issues Across Negotiation
The research of multiple negotiations considering issue interdependence across negotiations is considered as a complex r......
Exchange Sex, the Perfect Job, Understanding the Exchange of Sex for Money: The Concept of Partial H
<span style=\"font-family:Verdana;\">According to Freud</span><span style=\"font-family:Verdana;\">,</span><span......
Phylogenetic relationships of Cyprinidae (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) inferred from the partial S6K1 g
The family Cyprinidae is widely distributed in East Asia, and has the important phylogenetic signifi- cance in the fish ......
The relationships between earthquakes and positions of the sun and moon(Ⅱ)——Sometemporalcharacterist
Therelationshipsbetwenearthquakesandpositionsofthesunandmoon (Ⅱ) - Sometemporalcharacteristicsofthetershocks......
The formalization of multilayer networks allows for new ways to measure sociality in complex so-cial systems,including g......
RelationshipsbetweenextractionefficiencyandexternalparametersofslabamplifierLUJunxiao; WENGuojun; FANDianyuan (Shan......
A sedimentological approach to P-A relationships for tidal inlet systems:an example from Yuehu Inlet
Governance, not the management, is the motive in the post-industrial society and the era of the post new public manageme......
In situ TEM revealing the effects of dislocations on lithium-ion migration in transition metal dicha
The two-dimensional (2D) structure of layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) provides unusual physical properti......
目的 探讨先天性心脏病(CHD)患儿术前其父母压力及焦虑状况及相关影响因素,旨在为实施身心护理及健康教育提供有益的参考资料.方法......
In Lady Chatterleys Lover,D. H. Lawrence conveyed the praise for human nature and the harmonious physical relationship f......
Factors affecting trace element content in periurban market garden subsoil in Yunnan Province, China
Field investigations were conducted to measure subsoil trace element content and factors influencing content in an inten......
A revision of Elaeagnus L. for mainland China is provided based on field observations and herbarium studies. Forty-two m......
Visual illusion is the visual design of a special category.It is a set of technology and art in one of a unique form of ......
目的:通过问卷调查了解武警士兵的职业倦怠状况及其与自尊之间的关系。方法:对135名武警士兵使用 Maslach 职业倦怠量表(MBI-HSS)和R......
《说文解字》中含有大量的声训,客观、详细、充分地认识构成声训的训释词和被训词之间 的复杂关系是准确认识《说文》声训的前提。......
Prediction of load-displacement performance of grouted anchors in weathered granites using FastICA-M
With the rising needs of better prediction of the load-displacement performance of grouted anchors in an era of developi......
The differential distribution between cancer cells and normal adult tissues makes survivin a very attractive cancer drug......
Impact of patch size on woody tree species richness and abundance in a tropical montane evergreen fo
We examined the effects of forest patch size on woody tree species richness and abundance in tropical montane evergreen ......
目的:研究先天性畸形胎儿结肠的解剖及组织学结构,探讨几种畸形与结肠发育之间的关系. 方法:应用形态学方法,对先天性畸形胎儿结肠......
The Predatory Function of Three Spiders to Two Insect Pests in Rice Within a Multi-species Co-existe
The prey-seeking behavior of three spiders (X1-Pirata subpiraticus, X2-Clubiona japonicola and X3-Tetragnatha japonica )......
Prediction of Molar Absorptivities of Color Reagents and Their Color Reactions with Yttrium by Artif
Updating conventional soil maps by mining soil–environment relationships from individual soil polygo
Conventional soil maps contain valuable knowledge on soil–environment relationships.Such knowledge can be extracted for......