Percheron动脉(artery of Percheron,AOP)是丘脑旁正中动脉的一种变异类型,其闭塞所导致的丘脑梗死占所有丘脑梗死的4%~18%。双侧丘脑梗......
Three-Dimensional Heterogeneity of Cerebellar Interposed Nucleus-Recipient Zones in the Thalamic Nuc
The cerebellum is conceptualized as a processor of complex movements and is also endowed with roles in cognitive and emo......
Elevated Neurosteroids in the Lateral Thalamus Relieve Neuropathic Pain in Rats with Spared Nerve In
Intrinsicfunctionalplasticityofthethalamocorticalsystemin minimallydisabledpatientswithr
Purpose The thalamus plays a crucial role in sensorimotor, cognitive and attentional circuit functions. Disruptions in t......
The functions of thalamus are the relaying of sensory and motor signals to the cortex, and the regulation of consciousne......
Purpose: Tremor is a typical characteristic in Parkinsons disease (PD). However, the generation of PD tremor is still un......
Increased interhemispheric resting-state functional connectivity after sleep deprivation: A resting-
object Several functional imaging studies have investigated the regional effects of sleep deprivation(SD)on impaired bra......
Objective Young people in the age range of late adolescence to emerging adulthood is associated with the high prevalence......
Objective To investigate the pattern of progressive gray matter volume(GMV)changes in non-demented Parkinsons disease(PD......
Objective: Thalamus and hippocampus have been found both involved in temporal lobe epilepsy,but how they interact during......
Interaction between hipocampus and thalamus in epileptic seizures induced by pilocarpine in mice Kan
Objective: The traditional view is that the thalamus plays an important role in generalized epilepsy,however,recent stud......
Appropriate preference for light or dark is crucial for animals survival,but the underlying circuit mechanism is largely......
Fast and slow inhibition in the visual thalamus is influenced by allocating GABAA receptors with dif
Cell-type specific differences in the kinetics of inhibitory postsynaptic conductances (IPSCs) impact upon network dynam......
Background: Autism spectrum disorder(ASD)is a neurodevelopment disorder characterized by atypical brain connectivity.The......
Stimulation of the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus Induces Changes in Amino Acids in the Hippocampi
We investigated the changes in the levels of amino acids during high frequency stimulation (HFS) of the anterior nucleus......
Topographic organization of thalamic neurons responsive to rotational and translational head movemen
To determine whether the thalamus mediates topographic representation of vestibular inputs, Fosimmunoreactive neurons ac......
Hyperphosphorylation of tau protein in the ipsilateral thalamus after focal cortical infarction in r
Objective To investigate changes of tau protein expression in the ipsilateral thalamus after distal middle cerebral arte......
Habenula is a control center for emotion-related behaviors.Sensory responses were observed in habenula,but their fun......
目的 探讨偏执型分裂症患者脑白质完整性的变化.方法 在1.5T磁共振仪器下得到19例首发未服药的首发偏执型分裂症患者和30例在性别......
目的 探讨首发抑郁症患者海马、前额叶扣带回及丘脑的脑代谢有无异常.方法 利用质子磁共振波谱分析技术1H-MRS检测20例首发抑郁症......
目的 探究循经井穴放血疗法对不同证型丘脑卒中所致麻木患者血凝四项的影响,以期为选择循经井穴放血疗法最佳证型寻找确切临床证据......
目的: 分析立体定向微创血肿抽吸术治疗少量丘脑出血的可行性,并对其适应证进行初步探讨.方法: 出血量5~10 mL的少量丘脑出血患者2......
,Effects of Shenpang acupoint-stimulation on estrogen receptor immunoreactive neurons in thalamus of
To investigate the effects of Shenpang acupoint-stimulation in reproductive endocrinology,the changes in estrogen recept......
目的 探讨丘脑脓肿的治疗方式.方法 自2009年9月至2010年7月共收治丘脑脓肿3例,其中1例在头颅增强MRI导航下行立体定向脓肿穿刺抽......
目的 探讨精神分裂症患者前额叶、丘脑的氢质子磁共振波谱(1H-MRS)的特点.方法 以38例精神分裂症患者为研究对象(患者组),以38名正......
Neuronal firing in the globus pallidus internus and the ventrolateral thalamus related to parkinsoni
Abnormal functional connectivity with mood regulating circuit in unmedicated individual with major d
Background Reports on mood regulating circuit (MRC) indicated different activities between depressed patients and health......
目的 探讨凝血酶对丘脑组织是否具有毒性损伤作用以及损伤是否可逆。方法 在鼠脑室内注入凝血酶,于不同时间段测定丘脑组织的血脑......
目的:研究帕金森病(PD)患者双侧丘脑和双侧基底节区磁共振扩散张量成像(DTI)的变化,评价DTI技术用于早期PD的诊断价值。方法 :以PD......
Long-term results of a simultaneous trial of deep brain and motor cortex stimulation in refractory n
目的 探讨书写痉挛(WC)患者丘脑腹外侧核团(VL)细胞电活动特点,为临床治疗提供可靠的依据.方法 10例WC患者在行立体定向VL毁损术的......
目的 比较阴性与阳性症状为主的精神分裂症患者前额叶和丘脑质子波谱特点及差异.方法 对58例阴性症状为主(阴性组)和51例阳性症状......
目的 探讨儿童丘脑胶质瘤的临床特征和显微外科治疗.方法 总结49例儿童丘脑胶质瘤的临床特征,分别采取经胼胝体-穹窿间入路、胼胝......
目的 探讨丘脑胶质瘤患者行多模态影像立体定向活检术以及同期在立体定向引导下行双侧脑室-腹腔分流术的手术方法及优点. 方法 安......
Neuronal firing in the globus pallidus internus and the ventrolateral thalamus related to parkinsoni