Cytocompatible cellulose nanofibers from invasive plant species Agave americana L.and Ricinus commun
In this study,the fibers of invasive species Agave americana L.and Ricinus communis L.were successfully used for the fir......
PcTGD, a highly expressed gene in stem, is related to water stress in reed (Phragmites communis Trin
To compare differential gene expression among three ecotypes of reed (Phragmites communis Trin.), dune reed (DR), heavy-......
1 形态特征 芦苇Phragmjtes communis Trin.属禾本科,为多年生高大草本植物,地下茎横生,在适生的砂质壤士中长可达10余米,径粗1.0......
蓖麻是属于无瓣花类的大戟科蓖麻属,原为多年生的热带木本植物。学名Ricinus communis或Palmachristi。在亚、非、美三洲的热带地......
本文提出和描述了产自我国西北新疆南部喀拉塔克剖面的一个牙形类新亚种 Polygnathus communis gan-caohuensis,并根据以前出版的......
Through combining the soil respiration with the main environmental factors under the planting shelterbelt (Populus woodl......
Changes of Bacterial Community Structure in Copper Mine Tailings After Colonization of Reed (Phragmi
Soil samples were collected from both bare and vegetated mine tailings to study the changes in bacterial communities and......
用~(60)Coγ射线辐照朝鲜洋梨(Pyrus communis)枝条,嫁接于5年生山梨砧上。结果表明,辐照朝鲜洋梨后代变异丰富,特别是出现了果实......
香桃木(Myrtus communis)的粗水提取物对Biomphalaria glabrata小螺具有灭螺活性,在0.5g/l剂量时未呈现活性;在1g/l剂量时,给药24......
茭白又称茭笋,为禾本科植物菰(Zizaniacaduciflora(Turcz.)Hand.-Mazz.],常有将其根茎作中药芦根(禾本科植物芦苇(Phrag-mites co......
文献报道蓖麻(Ricinus communis)种子可作为口服避孕药使用。本实验旨在进一步研究蓖麻种子乙醚提取物18312-J的抗孕活 性。 实验......
为了进一步评价蓖麻(Ricinus communis,RICOM-1013-J)抗生育功效及其作用机理,研究了其石油醚组分(PE)对输卵管、子宫和卵巢的作......
Ziel: Evaluation der Effektivit t verschiedener Methodiken der TACE im tierexperimentellen Modell des hepatozellula......
芦毒蛾(Laelia coenosa)是洞庭湖区获(Miscanthus sacchariflorus)和芦苇(Phragmitas communis)上的一种暴食性食叶害虫。危害很......
曲牙土天牛Dorysthens hydropicus Pascoe属鞘翅目、天牛科、锯天牛亚科,是为害芦苇地下茎的主要害虫之一。关于在苇区的为害情况......
芦苇粉大尾蚜(桃粉大尾蚜)Hyalopterusamygdali(Blanchard)是我国普通芦苇Phragmi-tes communis Trim的主要害虫之一。为了掌握芦......
蓖麻(Ricinus communis)是一种特殊的工业油料作物,我国分布范围广,栽培历史悠久。解放以来,随着工农业生产日益发展和出口任务的......
Exploration of larvicidal and adult emergence inhibition activities of Ricinus communis seed extract
Objective:To determine the larvicidal and adult emergence inhibition activities of castor (Ricinus communis) seed extrac......
Objective:To determine the adult emergence inhibition(EI) and adulticidal activities of hexane,chloroform,ethyl acetate,......
本文叙述了我国产蓖麻(Ricinus communis L)种子的含毒提取液在CM-纤维素(CM32)柱层析时用含0.1mol/L NaCl、0.05mol/L的磷酸缓冲......
Aim:To investigate the effect of methanol extract of Ricinus communis seed(RCE)on male rats reproductivefunctions.Metho......
In vitro control of Staphylococcus aureus (NCTC 6571) and Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) by Ricinus c
Objective:To evaluate antibacterial activity of hot and cold ethanol and methanol leaf extracts of Ricinus communis L(R.......
In vitro antibacterial activity of leaf extracts of Zehneria scabra and Ricinus communis against Esc
Objective:To evaluate the antibacterial activities of the crude leaves extracts of Zehneria scabra(Z.scabra) and Ricinus......
197 从银杏叶中高效提取银杏内酯和白果内酯的方法〔英〕/Lichtblau D…//J NatProd.-2002,65(10).-1501~1504作者开发了一种从银......
Phytochemical analysis,hypotensive effect and antioxidant properties of Myrtus communis L.growing in
Objective:To analyze Myrlus communis chemically and evaluate the hypotensive effects and antioxidant properties of metha......
Objective: To explore the phytochemical and antimicrobial activities as well as the insecticidal properties of the diffe......
芦苇(Phrogmites communis Trin.)是一种喜湿性多年生禾本科植物,在土壤中的分布颇为广泛。在有水流的地边、池溏边、河流或沼泽......
Efficacy of Plant Based Insecticides in Control of Leaf Defoliators(Podagrica uniformis Jacoby and N
The insecticidal efficacy of aqueous extracts of R. communis L. and Z. officinales L. was tested in a field study for th......
植物名称:扁桃,又名巴旦杏(Amygdalus communis)。品种有双仁软壳、小软壳、早熟薄壳、小薄壳、双果、大巴旦等。材料类别:幼态型......
扁桃(Amygdalus communis L.)是一种经济价值高的干果,也是一种优良的木本油料树种。目前在陕西省已试种扁桃2000余亩。为制订栽......
上海地区栽培的梨主要是砂梨系统(P.Pyri-folia Nakai)的品种,果实成熟期最早在7月下旬。为培育早熟、品质优良又有很好的经济效......
植物名称:洋梨(Pyrus communis var.sativa)。材料类别:早春取洋梨一年生休眠枝条,在23±2℃的条件下水培5—7天后,剪段经过表面......
青菜(B·Chinensis.rar.communis)味道鲜美,营养丰富,是长江流域城镇居民和农民百吃不厌的绿叶蔬菜。 中箕白梗菜(简称白梗菜)是......
红茎蓖麻也叫血红蓖麻(Ricinus communis L.),是大戟科蓖麻属一年生草本植物。原产非洲、印度等地,为园艺品种,其株高1~2米。茎直立......
本文对上海浦东东海海滩上[31°1'N]芦苇植被自堤至海水边各地段的生物生产力、生长特性及土壤状况作了测定。其平均生物生产力为2.074±0.554kgm ̄(-2)a ̄(-1),其中地......
Studies were carried out on the transesterification of the Chinese Spicehush (Lindera communis) seed (LCS) oil with meth......
[Objective]To study the low-polarity chemical constituents in the whole plant of Parochetus communis Buch.[Methods]The l......