目的 观察运脾调中推拿法配合点刺治疗小儿腹泻的疗效.方法 80例患儿随机分成治疗组和对照组各40例,治疗组采用运脾调中推拿法配合......
Hepatic portal venous gas due to cryptosporidiosis in a patient with acquired immunodefi ciency synd
Although the presence of hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG) on computed tomography (CT) is typically an ominous finding, H......
AIM:To analyze the performance value of high risk factors in population-based colorectal cancer(CRC) screening in China.......
Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)has a poor prognosis an d systemic chemotherapies have disappointing results.The increasing......
Efficacy and safety study of subcutaneous injection of bortezomib in the treatment of de novopatient
Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of subcutaneous injection of bortezomib in the treatment of de novo multipl......
目的 了解长春地区四种主要腹泻病毒病原构成及流行病学特点.方法 收集长春市儿童医院5岁以下住院患儿腹泻样本共460例,轮状病毒采......
目的 观察艾灸百会穴结合匹维溴铵治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征的临床疗效及对患者生活质量的影响。方法 将60例腹泻型肠易激综合症患者......
To observe the effect of acupuncture on acute bacillary dysentery,wetreated 326 cases of the disease respectively with a......
目的建立依立替康(irinotecan,CPT-11)致小细胞肺癌(small-cell lung cancer,SCLC)荷瘤鼠腹泻模型。方法培养LTEP/P人SCLC细胞株,传代3......
Introduction: Post-cholecystectomy diarrhoea (PCD) is probably the most distressing postoperative non-pain symptom. Its ......
目的探讨淮南境内居民是否存在人芽囊原虫感染. 方法用一次性粪盒收集受检者(幼儿园幼儿、在校小学生、中学生和腹泻患者)当日新鲜......