Upconverting lanthanide nanoparticles overcome many of the problems associated with more traditionally used luminescent ......
Characterization,spectroscopic investigation of defects by positron annihilation,and possible applic
Nanocrystalline samples of highly pure lead oxide were prepared by the sol-gel route of synthesis.X-ray diffraction and ......
Orthorhombic-phase NaMgF3,composed ofbio-friendly elements ofNa,Mg and F,is considered to be an ideal host matrix for pr......
Great photoelectric properties can herald the high potentials of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals (NCs) to function as the fluoresce......
The electroreduction of CO2 to valuable chemicals and fuels offers an effective mean for energy storage.Although CO2 has......
Radiotherapy is one of the most important clinical cancer treatments, which works mainly by delivering a prescribed radi......
Homogeneous Zn Se nanocrystals were prepared via surfactant-assisted hydrothermal method.Surfactants agent CTAB was used......
Drug Nanorod-Mediated Intracellular Delivery of microRNA-101 for Self-sensitization via Autophagy In
Autophagy is closely related to the drug resistance and metastasis in cancer therapy.Nanoparticlemediated co-delivery of......
Kesterite Cu_2Zn Sn(S,Se)_4(CZTSSe)powder was synthesized by a hydrothermal process.The thin films were fabricated by ph......
Selective hydrogenation of N-heterocyclic compounds over rhodium-copper bimetallic nanocrystals unde
A simple method has been developed to prepare cuprous selenide nanocrystals by the reaction of copper nitrate trihydrate......
This paper describes the operation and outcome of one of the United Kingdom’s largest multi-partner research activities......
This paper reviews our recent development of the use of the large-scale pseudopotential method to calculate the electron......
The Eu~(3+):BaMoO_4 nanostructures were synthesized by a simple hydrothermal method, and characterized by XRD, transmiss......
A new method of calcium nitrate and sodium phosphate as reactants was employed to prepare biomimetic apatite nanocrystal......
Largescale Preparation of Organic-Dispersible Lanthanide Fluorides Nanocrystals via Colloid-Extracti
Organic-dispersible lanthanide fluorides nanocrystals were synthesized at a large Scale using colloid-extraction method,......
目的:建立一种基于纳米粒子的时间分辨(TR)荧光共振能量转移(FRET)生物传感器用于mi RNAs的无扩增检测。方法:以寡核苷酸单链probe......
Synthesis and Properties of Water-soluble CdSe/ZnS Nanocrystals with the Type-Ⅰ Core/Shell Structure
The synthesis of CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals though aqueous phase using the coprecipitation method was reported. Th......
Relationships between the coercivity of hydrogenation disproportionation desorption recombination(HDDR)Nd12.5Fe81.5-xCo6......
Hydrogen absorption and desorption in metallic glass and nanocrystalline Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Ti5Al10 a
To illuminate the intrinsic surface activity of Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Ti5Al10 alloy in its glass and nanocrystalline states,......
Mesostructured Ce0.6Zr0.4O2 solid solutions were synthesized by coprecipitation combined with evaporation-induced self-a......
Unusual intense infrared-to-ultraviolet upconversion luminescence was observed in YF3:Yb3+(20%)/Tm3+(1%) nanocrystals un......
Nanocrystals of single-phase samarium monoaluminate(SmAlO3)were synthesized and studied for the first time.Malic acid wa......
Production of ultra-transparent glass-ceramics via controlled crystallization of nanocrystals in the
Microstructural variation in glass-ceramics encompasses the range from nanocrystalline transparent materials to microcry......
The absorption and emission spectra as well as decay time profile of Dy3+ ions in LaAlO3 nanocrystals were analyzed.The ......
Luminescent properties of praseodymium doped Y2O3 and LaAlO3 nanocrystallites and polymer composites
Luminescent properties of Y2O3 and LaAlO3 nanopowders doped with Pr3+ ions and PMMA-based composite materials doped with......
Hydrophilic ZnS nanocrystals with narrow size distribution were synthesized via homogeneous precipitation using EDTA as ......
Fabrication, microstructure, and optical properties of nanocrystalline transparent LAST glass cerami
In the present research, the effect of CeO2 dopant on the fabrication of transparent lithium aluminosilicate titanate (L......
采用反胶束法,合成了硅土包裹的Mn~(2+)+掺杂的CdS纳米颗粒.利用高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)和电子自旋共振谱 (EPR) 对这些纳米颗粒的......
Ag+-doped ZnS nanocrystals surface-capped with thiourea(expressed as ZnS:Ag/thiourea) were synthesized through sol-gel m......
Preparation, characterization and nonlinear optical properties of colloidal gallium arsenide nanocry
GaAs nanocrystals were prepared via a simple mechanical ball milling technique. The prepared GaAs nanocrystals have high......
A green hydrothermal method was proposed for the synthesis of nanocrystalline ZnO2,using Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6 powder and 6 vol......
A new citrate acid-hydrazine sol-gel route for preparation of Co3O4 nanoparticles has been developed. Co3O4 nanoparticle......
通过固-液热分解法合成平均尺寸为27 nm的六方相NaYF_(4):Yb,Er上转换纳米晶。制备了NaYF_(4):Yb,Er@SiO_(2)核壳纳米粒子,壳层厚......
采用聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮(PVP)为表面包覆剂,在室温大气条件下的水溶液中制备了ZnS:Mn,Pb纳米晶.讨论了Mn^2+和 Pb^2+掺杂量对ZnS纳米发光......