Experimental study of removing benzene from indoor air by needle-matrix to plate streamer discharge

来源 :The 7th International Conference on Applied Electrostatics(第 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwm777
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  The degradation of benzene by needle-matrix to plate streamer discharge was investigated at normal temperature and pressure in indoor air.The effects of benzene initial concentration,air speed,discharge power and relative humidity(RH)on benzene removal rate were systematically studied.Meanwhile,the benzene removal efficiencies by adding MnO2/SiO2-active carbon catalyst to the system were also studied.The results showed that the benzene removal rate increased with the rise of the air speed and discharge power,decreased with the rise of the benzene initial concentration,and firstly increased and then decreased with the rise of the of RH.Under the same experimental conditions,adding MnO2 catalyst to the system did not significantly improve the removal efficiency of benzene.
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