Nano-composites by Atmospheric Spray-freeze Drying as Carriers for Thermosensitive and Low Water Sol

来源 :2005 WHTS3rd Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong426
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  The Industrial Pharmacy Lab (IPL) is focusing on research in process technology and pharmaceutical drug formulation.This research is very close to the todays needs of the pharmaceutical industry looking for robust formulations and process technologies, which should enable to shorten the development time and to increase the product quality.In close cooperation with the pharmaceutical industry this is a very unique concept1 aiming to understand and control pharmaceutical processes, which is in agreement with the basic tenet of quality by design of FDAs PAT (Proscess Analytical Technology) initiative.In the present research overview of the IPL tools for robust dosage form design are introduced, such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), granulation in-process control and compaction simulation for tableting scale up.Differential Scanning calorimetry (DSC) was applied as a rapid tool in early stage of robust dosage form design to detect incompatibilities and eutectic melting of a multicomponent drug system in comparison with a conventional stability test (CST).Interactions were detected by DSC measurements between camylofine/mecloxamine, and camylofine/ergotamine.This conclusion was drawn from DSC thermograms, where peak appearance, disappearance and peak shifting occurred in comoarison with the pure substance.These interactions were confirmed by CST2.
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For the production of organic nanocomposites the spray freeze drying technique seems to be the process of choice for temperature and structure sensitive drugs of biological origin such as Interferons.