Validation of a Prediction Score Model to Distinguish Acute Coronary Syndromes from Other Conditions

来源 :BITs 2rd Annual World Cancer Congress of Cardiology-2010(201 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czd1986624
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  Highly sensitive troponin bioassays with lower limits of detection are enabling the early diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes (ACS).In patients presenting to emergency services with chest pain, the positive predictive value of an elevated troponin due to ACS remains low, indicating that there are other non-ACS conditions causing troponin elevation.Diagnosing ACS accurately is of paramount importance, as this triggers increasingly more powerful and costly modern treatments, and also carries a permanent impact on the livelihood of the affected individuals.I am delighted to share with you a prediction score model which can help clinicians in distinguishing patients with ACS from other non-ACS conditions.
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摘 要:本文讲述了随着我国市政交通建设的迅猛发展,各类桥梁建筑层出不穷而在各种形式的施工过程中,混凝土的应用越来越广泛,混凝土结构在现代桥梁工程建设中已经占据了非常重要的地位因为该种结构形式的桥梁具有价廉物美,施工方便,承载力大,可装饰性强的特点然而在混凝土施工使用的同时。  关键词:桥梁施工;控制技术;预应力混凝土  混凝土结构的裂缝问题,是混凝土工程建设中带有普遍性的技术问题,故在某些施工验收
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