Theoretical Investigation of Homogeneous Gaseous Reaction of 2NO2(g)+nH2O(g)+nNH3(g)→Products (n=1,2

来源 :第十二届全国量子化学会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshiwl0000
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  The CCSD(T)//MP2/6-311G(d,p)level of theory was employed to investigate the formation mechanism of the homogeneous gaseous reaction of 2NO2(g)+nH2O(g)+nNH3(g)→Products(n=1,2)around room temperature.Ab initio study indicates that the reaction may proceed through the formation of NH3·H2O(g),NO2·NH3(g),and NO2·H2O(g)complexes.Subsequent complexes,HNO3·NH4ONO,HNO3·NH4NO2,and c-HONO·NH4NO3-2 can be formed by adding gaseous reactants to the NH3·H2O(g),NO2·NH3(g),and NO2·H2O(g)complexes,respectively.The HNO3·NH4ONO,HNO3·NH4NO2,and c-HONO·NH4NO3-2 complexes can then be rearranged to produce c-HONO·NH4NO3,t-HONO·NH4NO3,and HNO3·t-NH4ONO complexes via a transition state,and the NH3 molecule acts as a medium,accepting and donating hydrogen atoms in the rearrangement process.Calculated results show that NH4NO2·NH4NO3 is formed as aerosol particulate matter when addition of a NO2 molecule to the(NH3)2·H2O·NO2 complex,our computational results also reveal that the presence of an addition water molecule can not only reduce the activation energy of the rearrangement process,but also stabilizing the complexes and products.
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摘 要:初中英语写作课少,方法简单,写作过程指导和监管不力。学生通常是按规定的题目课后写作,教师批阅,然而大多数学生会觉得无处着手,不知写什么、怎样写。本文通过三节课例展示如何利用wh-question思维导图引导学生进行阅读和写作,探讨以读带写课的教学方法和应重点解决的问题。  关键词:初中英语;以读带写;wh-question;思维导图;实例探析  前言  教育部国培项目“初中英语示范性工作坊
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