Quiver Grassmannians and Quiver Varieties in Cluster Algebra

来源 :2014 Workshop on Algebraic Geometry(2014代数几何研讨会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lengyubo88
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  Cluster algebras were introduced by Fomin and Zelevinsky in trying to understand canonical bases in algebraic groups.They are attractive to algebraic geometers because they appear naturally in the study of special varieties such as Riemann surfaces,Schubert varieties and toric varieties,and that they are related to birational geometry,noncommutative geometry,stability conditions,Donaldson-Thomas invariants and string theory.In this talk,I will discuss some recent advances in the study of two classes of special varieties,namely the quiver Grassmannians and Nakajimas graded quiver varieties,with emphasis on their connection with various natural bases of the cluster algebras.
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