2010 International Survivors of Suicide Day in Taiwan

来源 :国际预防自杀协会(IASP)第26届世界大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoboge
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  Background: International Survivors of Suicide Day, promoted by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), is a day of healing for bereavement after suicide.Until 2009, there was not any activity on International Survivors of Suicide Day in Taiwan.On November 20, 2010, Suicide Prevention Centre of Mackay Memorial Hospital (SPC-MMH) connected with AFSP to hold the public activities to wake up the public sense to suicide loss.Methods: Suicide Prevention Centre of Mackay Memorial Hospital held a symposium to discuss suicide prevention and survivors of suicide in the afternoon on November 20, 2010.At that night, SPC-MMH obtained the right of public broadcasting from the film company to broadcast the Japanese movie Sand Chronicles at the auditorium of hospital.Following the movie, all audiences shared their viewpoints in a 30-min discussion forum.Results: There were 70 participants to attend the afternoon symposium and 153 audiences to watch the movie and the discussion forum at night.On the discussion forum, many audiences explored their roles as survivors of suicide and expressed their grief about suicide loss.Conclusion: Either the academic symposium or the movie broadcasting were good methods to wake up the consciousness to pay attention about survivors of suicide loss.In future, we should promote the International Survivors of Suicide Day with diverse ways.
【摘 要】由于社会、学校及家庭等外部因素的影响和学生自我认识的偏差,不少学生存在自信心不足的状况,教师要利用各种机会,使用各种办法培养学生的自信心。如:利用集体的力量培养学生的自信心;利用实践活动培养学生的自信心;利用纵横比较培养学生的自信心;利用鼓励性语言培养学生的自信心。  【关键词】自信心;集体的力量;实践活动;纵横比较;鼓励性语言  【中图分类号】G 625 【文献标识码】 C 【文章编号
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【摘 要】因家庭作业过多、体育活动场地及条件的限制等原因,导致农村小学生课外体育活动不足,体育活动量明显偏少,活动内容不太丰富,活动质量不尽人意。广大教师及教育主管部门应积极提建议、想对策,促进学生身心健康发展。  【关键词】农村小学;课外活动;对策  【中图分类号】G 613.7【文献标识码】 C【文章编号】1671-1270(2009)4-0112-01    一、问题的提出    小学阶段是