-250G/A and-514C/T Polymorphisms in LIPC Gene Elevated TC and SBP Level of Gestational Hypertension

来源 :中华医学会2012年医学遗传学年会暨全国第十一次医学遗传学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxq19840808
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  BACKGROUND Hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy(HDCP)is one of the most common complication in obstetric.The real pathogenesis about HDCP is still unknown.Research had shown that the genesis of HDCP was likely related to genetic factors and abnormal lipid metabolism.We try to examine the association between the human hepatic lipase(LIPC)gene promoter polymorphism (-250G/A,-514C/T)and the risk of HDCP among Chinese women.METHODS 652 individuals were recruited from the Fujian Women and Children Healthcare Hospital in China.We genotyped two LIPC polymorphisms (-250G/A and-514C/T)with PCR-RFLP combined with agarose gel electrophoresis.The software SHEsis was used to examine correlation between haplotypes and women with HDCP patients or controls.RESULTS The proportions of the minor alleles for-250G/A and-514C/T were 0.391 and 0.369 in cases,and 0.397 and 0.378 in controls respectively.We found that-250G/A elevated TC and SBP level of gestational hypertension women (P=0.004,P=0.01,respectively),and the same result was found in-514C/T (P=0.003,P=0.004,respectively).Otherwise,significant differences were found between BMI and different genotypes of-250G/A polymorphism in mild preeclampsia women(P=0.01).We found significant linkage disequilibrium in two SNPs(-250G/A and-514C/T)in HDCP patients(r2=0.867)and controls(r2=0.91),but the estimated haplotype frequencies were similar in two groups.CONCLUSIONS In a word,there was no evidence to validate an association between LIPC alleles,genotypes or haplotypes frequencies and HDCP.LIPC-250G/A and-514C/F polymorphism were contributed to abnormal TC level in GH patients.
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