来源 :第十四届世界食品科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinyue_love
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  In the last 30 years the economic progress in China was considerable.Modem metropolises such as Beijing or Shanghai grew with fast pace,causing amongst others a rapidly increasing water consumption which means in turn a rapid increase of waste water to be discharged as sewage.Currently in China only half of the sewage is properly treated,because the old sewage cleaning systems are not capable to cope with the large amounts of polluted water,as a consequence the polluted water is drained into rivers without treatment; at the same time there is a lack of clean water.
The Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) carded out the first 5-year nanotechnology project "Development of Nanotechnology and Materials for Innovative Utilizations of Biological Func
During recent decades,seafood allergy is becoming a serious problem with increasing seafood consumption.Recent studies suggest that allergen-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) are a useful tool in
The food system is responsible for feeding the world.It includes a large number of actors:seed and chemical industries,farmers,food processors,retailing business,governments,researchers,without forget
Scenarios for the future global food chain in 2030 will be with at least four major challenges:climate change,energy crisis,demand for high quality nutritious food and closing of societal gap.Future d
We have been projecting forward by 22 years to the year 2030.Our speakers have examined the impact over the coming 22 years of biotechnology; nanotechnology; information and communication technology;
The food chain from the farm to the consumer involves mainly five major steps for ensuring a clean,nutritious,safe,hygienic and a wholesome and cost effective food from the land bowl of the farmer to
Polyphenolic compounds were extracted from blueberry and muscadine skins.The isolates were purified,concentrated and dried before being evaluated for their ability to inhibit lipid oxidation in ground
A growing number of countries are confronted with the challenge of providing sufficient water of appropriate quality for industry and domestic consumption.A major approach to reach this goal is based
The legal requirements for the chemical and microbiological composition of water in food industry exert a major challenge for the supply with regard to quantity and quality.Due to ecological and econo