Ascaris suum:Asu-miR-36f is associated with the infectivity of infective larvae

来源 :中国畜牧兽医学会兽医寄生虫学分会第十三次学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edercito
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  Ascaris suum(A.suum)is of great public health importance and animal husbandry significance globally.MicroRNAs are about 22nt non-coding RNAs which are essential to the post-transcriptional regulation.The function of endogenous miRNA can be enhanced by the miRNA mimic while be declined by its inhibitors.In the present study,the mimics and inhibitors of asu-miR-36f were used to assess the influence of asu-miR-36f that was found only existed in the infective larvae stage 3(L3 stage)of A.suum.The expressions of two key target genes of asu-miR-36f,named as oligo saccharyl transferase 48kDa subunit beta(OST48)and cytochrome b were examined via qRT-PCR under the over-and/or down-regulation expression of asu-miR-36f.The results showed that there were significant differences of development and infective numbers of treated larvae than those of the control groups(p<0.05),but differences between mimics groups and control groups were not so obvious(p>0.05).The expression level of the two target genes closely responded to the treatment of mimics and/or inhibitors of asu-miR-36f.We then concluded that asu-miR-36f might be associated with infectivity of the infective larvae of A.suum.
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摘要:我走上教育岗位三十一年,当了二十四年的各类班主任,这二十四年的班主任工作,让我深切体会到:除了爱心,还离不开班主任的工作艺术,做一个有智慧的班主任。  关键词:智慧;班主任;学生  中图分类号:G635.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)01-0078  一、智慧是以情动人  我们都知道,人是有个性的,这种个性表现为不同的人有不同的性格特征和心理倾向。试想,如果人没
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