Prediction of gas chromatographic retention indices based on component structures

来源 :DaLian Internationall Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatogra | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lisanshuxuejj
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  A way to predict retention indices (RI) from component structures was investigated.In contrast to work already published components with different functional groups and different stationary phases were chosen.Molecular descriptors were used to code the structural information.Multi-linear Regressions on a variety of descriptor combinations vs.retention factors and retention indices failed, so an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach was used.The results were analyzed on precision of single retention indices and on the elution order of all possible 2 component sets.The ANN was trained with 75 % of the measured values.Errors were calculated for the remaining 25 % of the data set and the whole set.The experimental data set contained the retention indices of 109 components from 8 different chemical groups injected onto 14 different stationary phases.
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3月20日,是政协委员王超斌回到郑州的第三天。  在5天前结束的政协会议上,王超斌出尽了风头,他和蔡继明等十位全国政协委员联署的提案《关于减少政府收费环节,遏制住房价格上涨的建议》受到了媒体和公众空前的关注,仅网友的评论就有200万条之多。在提案中,王超斌指出政府的各种税费在房价中的比重占到15%~20%,而这种税费已占到地方财政收入的30%~50%。在接受采访时,他又说,税费加上土地的成本,政府